Thursday, 1 September 2011

Mandatory introduction

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Bryan. Yes, it is an odd name for a German guy like me, but there's nothing wrong with standing out from the crowd, right?

Anyway, I grew up in Germany for 13 years of my life, before I moved to Manitoba, Canada with my direct family in 2004. It was a big transition, because we needed to learn the language by either going to school, which was in my case, and taking classes outside of work, which is what my parents did. Of course, we also went through culture shock, and other experiences that many immigrating families and individuals went through once we settled here. My family now lives an hour from Winnipeg, which is also my summer residence at the moment, but most of the time, I spend my days in the big city.

I also am a first-year student at Red River College, taking the Creative Communications program, and hoping to go into either media production or public relations, depending on what I will choose. This blog is actually part of the program, so this should be fun!

"That German kid" will not only be a blog about sports, but also life and things that happen around me, whether it'd be a random event at a bus stop or some adventures with my friends, you'll know about it here! I chose this theme, because I want to expand on my skills in writing and thinking, and not only write about my favourite things but also things that either satisfy or bother people around me, and I want them to be heard.

After all, life is one big adventure, and it's taking all of us somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Der mann raucht pfeife - my favorite German sentence!

    Good start on the blog.
